For more information about the South Dakota State Poetry Society (SDSPS) and our other publications and contests, please visit our website at


Please Note: Submission fee for non-members is $3.00 for up to five poems. Due to the rising cost of printing our literary magazine, we are unable to offer a complimentary contributor's copy. Save yourself money by joining SDSPS!

We welcome submissions from all poets with a connection to South Dakota. If you're an SDSPS member, your submissions to Pasque Petals are FREE, so please use the "Member Call" link. For instructions on how you may become an SDSPS member, please visit  Membership includes the two issues (spring and fall) of Pasque Petals and a chapbook, if available. Dues must be paid before March 5 in order to receive the benefit of membership in NFSPS (National Federation of State Poetry Societies). Members joining after that date will only receive a copy of the spring issue if one is still available.

 SDSPS welcomes submissions of poetry year round. The deadline for our next volume is August 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m. Mountain Time).  We do not accept previously published work. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else. Copy and paste up to five poems in one document  Use your contact information, including phone number and email address, as the header for each page. Please also add a brief bio (50 words or less) highlighting your primary connection to South Dakota. 


 Copyrights of individual poems will remain with the authors, save for permission to print submitted poems in Pasque Petals and limited reprints of individual poems for publicity purposes. Copyright of individual poems will not  be registered by SDSPS. Submission of poems is the author’s warrant that the poems submitted to South Dakota State Poetry Society do not violate any other author’s or company’s copyrights and do not libel any persons. The author agrees to take sole legal and financial responsibility for any claims arising against the written content of their poems in this book in this regard.


Please Note: We welcome poetry from all poets. Submission to Pasque Petals is FREE to 2024 Members of SDSPS.  For non-SDSPS members, there is a submission fee  of $3.00 for up to five poems. If you are not a current member, please use the form that says "Open/Non-Member Call". Thank you.

 The deadline for our next volume of Pasque Petals is August 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m. Mountain Time).  We do not accept previously published work. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else.

 Copy and paste up to five poems in one document.   Use your contact information, including phone number and email address, as the header for each page.  Please also add a brief bio (50 words or less) highlighting your primary connection to South Dakota.


 Copyrights of individual poems will remain with the authors, save for permission to print submitted poems in Pasque Petals and limited reprints of individual poems for publicity purposes. Copyright of individual poems will not  be registered by SDSPS. Submission of poems is the author’s warrant that the poems submitted to South Dakota State Poetry Society do not violate any other author’s or company’s copyrights and do not libel any persons. The author agrees to take sole legal and financial responsibility for any claims arising against the written content of their poems in this book in this regard.

South Dakota State Poetry Society